Definition of gentility


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The word "gentility" has its roots in Old French, dating back to the 14th century. It stems from the Latin words "gentilis," meaning "of noble birth" or "of good family," and "itas," a suffix forming an abstract noun. Initially, "gentility" referred to nobility of birth, implying a person's social standing and family lineage. Over time, the meaning of "gentility" expanded to encompass a sense of refinement, cultivation, and good breeding. In the 17th and 18th centuries, it was often used to describe the polite, educated, and cultured upper classes. Today, "gentility" connotes a sense of dignity, courtesy, and elegance, still carrying associations with social class and education. I hope that helps!


very good manners and behaviour; the fact of belonging to a high social class

cách cư xử và ứng xử rất tốt; thực tế thuộc về một tầng lớp xã hội cao

  • He took her hand with discreet gentility.

    Anh nắm lấy tay cô với sự dịu dàng kín đáo.

  • She thinks expensive clothes are a mark of gentility.

    Cô cho rằng quần áo đắt tiền là dấu hiệu của sự lịch thiệp.

the fact of being quiet and old-fashioned

thực tế của sự im lặng và lỗi thời

  • the faded gentility of the town

    sự lịch thiệp mờ nhạt của thị trấn