Definition of gazebo


vọng lâu


The word "gazebo" has a fascinating origin. It is believed to have been coined in the 18th century, derived from the Italian word "gazebi," meaning "masked ball" or "mummer's play." Initially, a gazebo was a type of outdoor stage or pavilion used for these lavish masked balls and theatrical performances. Over time, the term evolved to describe a small, often ornate, freestanding structure or pavilion, typically designed for relaxation, entertainment, or scenic views. In modern times, gazebos are often found in gardens, parks, or backyards, serving as a tranquil retreat or focal point. Despite its evolution, the word "gazebo" still retains its connection to the original playful and entertaining connotations of a masked ball.


a small building with open sides in a garden, especially one with a view

một tòa nhà nhỏ có các mặt mở trong một khu vườn, đặc biệt là một tòa nhà có tầm nhìn

a temporary structure like a large tent with open sides that is used to provide shelter at an outdoor event

một cấu trúc tạm thời như một chiếc lều lớn có các mặt hở được sử dụng để làm nơi trú ẩn tại một sự kiện ngoài trời

  • There was more than enough space to erect a gazebo.

    Có đủ không gian để dựng một vọng lâu.