Definition of expropriate


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The word "expropriate" derives from two Latin roots: "ex," meaning "out," and "proprius," meaning "belonging to one's own." In the 16th century, the term was originally used to describe the seizure of lands owned by the Catholic Church during the Protestant Reformation, as these lands were considered to no longer belong to the church. Over time, the meaning of "expropriate" evolved to include the confiscation of property by a government. In the 19th century, the term was used to refer to the seizure of land and resources from private owners in order to facilitate the expansion of railroads and other infrastructure projects. Today, "expropriate" is typically used in the context of government actions, such as the confiscation of property for the purpose of urban renewal or to provide housing for the needy. However, the word carries with it a connotation of coercion and forced dispossession, as it implies the government is taking something from someone against their will.


to officially take away private property from its owner for public use

chính thức lấy tài sản riêng của chủ sở hữu để sử dụng công cộng

to take somebody’s property and use it without permission

lấy tài sản của ai đó và sử dụng nó mà không được phép