Definition of exposition


giải thích


The term "exposition" has its roots in the French language, where it translates to "exposition" or "presentation." It was borrowed into English during the 16th century, initially referencing the act of exposing something, whether it be an object, theory, or idea. In the context of art and culture, an exposition came to mean a public display or exhibition, such as the expositions universelles that began in 1851 in London. These events showcased the latest advancements in technology, industry, and the arts, bringing together intellectuals, inventors, and entrepreneurs from around the world. The term "exposition" also has uses in other fields, such as logic or mathematics, where it signifies a revealing or unfolding of a concept or theorem. In these contexts, it can suggest a formal, systematic presentation of ideas. Overall, the origin of the word "exposition" speaks to the idea of revealing or presenting something, whether it be a physical or intellectual object. Its use has evolved over time, though, to encompass broader concepts, such as cultural displays, scientific explanations, and philosophical arguments.


a full explanation of a theory, plan, etc.

một lời giải thích đầy đủ về một lý thuyết, kế hoạch, vv

  • a clear and detailed exposition of their legal position

    trình bày rõ ràng và chi tiết về vị trí pháp lý của họ

an event at which people, businesses, etc. show and sell their goods; a trade fair

một sự kiện mà tại đó mọi người, doanh nghiệp, v.v. trưng bày và bán hàng hóa của họ; một hội chợ thương mại