Definition of disclosure


tiết lộ


The word "disclosure" has its roots in 14th-century Middle English. It comes from the Old French words "descloir" and "descloreir," which mean "to uncover" or "to reveal." These French words are derived from the Latin words "des-" (meaning "away" or "forth") and "cloare" (meaning "to hide" or "to cover"), hence the sense of uncovering or revealing something that was previously hidden. In its earliest sense, the word "disclosure" referred to the act of removing a cover or veil, often in a literal sense, such as revealing a hidden treasure or unveiling a statue. Over time, the term took on a broader meaning and now encompasses the idea of sharing or making public any information, whether it be a secret, a truth, or a fact, which was previously unknown or hidden.


the act of making something known or public that was previously secret or private

hành động làm cho một cái gì đó được biết đến hoặc công khai mà trước đây là bí mật hoặc riêng tư

  • the newspaper’s disclosure of defence secrets

    báo chí làm lộ bí mật quốc phòng

  • The bank will need full disclosure of your financial situation and assets.

    Ngân hàng sẽ cần tiết lộ đầy đủ về tình hình tài chính và tài sản của bạn.

  • The court ruled to prevent public disclosure of the contents of the documents.

    Tòa án ra phán quyết ngăn chặn việc tiết lộ công khai nội dung của các tài liệu.

Related words and phrases

information or a fact that is made known or public that was previously secret or private

thông tin hoặc sự thật được công bố hoặc công khai mà trước đây là bí mật hoặc riêng tư

  • startling disclosures about his private life

    tiết lộ đáng kinh ngạc về đời tư

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