Definition of executor


người thực thi


The word "executor" originated from the Latin words "exsequi," meaning "to follow after" or "to carry out," and "ex" meaning "out" or "from." In the context of estate planning, an executor is the person or entity responsible for administering the estate of a deceased individual. They carry out the tasks specified in the will or trust, including gathering assets, paying debts, and distributing property to beneficiaries. The role of an executor has evolved over time, and the term has been adopted into many languages, including English. Today, the term "executor" is widely used in the United States, Canada, and other countries to describe the person responsible for managing the estate of a deceased person.


a person, bank, etc. that is chosen by somebody who is making their will to follow the instructions in it

một người, ngân hàng, v.v. được chọn bởi ai đó có ý chí tuân theo những chỉ dẫn trong đó

  • She appointed him executor of her will.

    Cô chỉ định anh ta là người thực thi di chúc của cô.

a person who produces something or causes it to come into use

người sản xuất ra cái gì đó hoặc khiến nó được sử dụng

  • the makers and executors of policy

    người hoạch định và thực thi chính sách