Definition of evaporation


bay hơi


The word "evaporation" originates from the Latin words "eva" meaning "out" and "porare" meaning "to breathe or vaporize". In the 15th century, the term "evaporation" emerged to describe the process of water or other liquids changing from a liquid to a gas or vapor at a temperature below their boiling point. This phenomenon was first discussed by ancient Greek philosophers, such as Aristotle, who observed that water seemed to "exhale" or "breathe out" when heated. The concept of evaporation has since been extensively studied in various fields, including chemistry, physics, and biology, and has numerous practical applications in industries such as agriculture, medicine, and energy production.


the process of a liquid changing or being changed into a gas

quá trình chất lỏng thay đổi hoặc được chuyển đổi thành khí

  • Heat and wind can cause evaporation.

    Nhiệt độ và gió có thể gây ra hiện tượng bốc hơi.

  • Snow cover prevents evaporation of water from the soil.

    Lớp tuyết phủ ngăn cản sự bốc hơi nước từ đất.

the process of gradually becoming less and less

quá trình dần dần trở nên ít hơn và ít hơn

  • the evaporation of wealth

    sự bốc hơi của cải