Definition of condensation


sự ngưng tụ


The word "condensation" has its roots in Latin. The term "condensa" comes from the prefix "con-" meaning "together" and the verb "densare" meaning "to make dense". In the 15th century, the word "condensation" was borrowed from Latin into Middle English as "condensacioun", meaning "the process of making denser". Initially, the term referred to the process of compressing or thickening something, such as a mixture or a solution. Later, in the 17th century, the term "condensation" came to be applied to the scientific concept of condensing water vapor into liquid water. This process occurs when warm air cools, causing the water vapor to condense into droplets, such as fog, dew, or clouds. The word has since been used in various scientific fields, including meteorology, chemistry, and biology, to describe the process of condensation in various contexts.


drops of water that form on a cold surface when warm water vapour becomes cool

giọt nước hình thành trên bề mặt lạnh khi hơi nước ấm trở nên lạnh

  • The window was steamed up with condensation.

    Cửa sổ bị hơi nước đọng lại.

  • Not all roofing problems are caused by leaks; condensation may also be a problem.

    Không phải tất cả các vấn đề về mái nhà đều do rò rỉ; ngưng tụ cũng có thể là một vấn đề.

the process of a gas changing to a liquid

quá trình khí chuyển sang thể lỏng

the process of making a book, etc. shorter by taking out anything that is not necessary

quá trình làm một cuốn sách, v.v... ngắn hơn bằng cách loại bỏ những thứ không cần thiết

  • The essay should be a readable condensation of the recent scientific literature.

    Bài luận phải là sự cô đọng dễ đọc của các tài liệu khoa học gần đây.