Definition of humidity


độ ẩm


The term "humidity" refers to the amount of water vapor present in the air. This word has its roots in the Latin word "umidus," which translates to "moist" or "wet." In ancient times, people used words like "moistness" or "mugginess" to describe humid conditions. However, the current term "humidity" began to emerge in the mid-1600s. The scientific community initially used the term "absolute humidity" to describe the amount of water vapor in the air per unit volume. As scientists continued to study the relationship between water vapor and atmospheric pressure, they introduced the term "relative humidity" to describe the percentage of water vapor currently in the air compared to the maximum amount the air can hold at a given temperature. Today, "humidity" is a common term used to describe a weather condition that affects human comfort levels. Excessive humidity can make it challenging to regulate body temperature, leading to discomfort, and even health concerns such as heat-related illnesses. In contrast, low humidity can cause dry skin, respiratory irritation, and heightened susceptibility to illnesses.


the amount of water in the air

lượng nước trong không khí

  • Instruments constantly monitor temperature and humidity.

    Dụng cụ liên tục theo dõi nhiệt độ và độ ẩm.

  • high/low humidity

    độ ẩm cao/thấp

  • 70% humidity

    độ ẩm 70%

Extra examples:
  • The museum is equipped with sophisticated humidity controls.

    Bảo tàng được trang bị hệ thống kiểm soát độ ẩm tinh vi.

  • in dry weather, when the ambient humidity is low

    trong thời tiết khô ráo, khi độ ẩm xung quanh thấp

  • Care should be taken in conditions of high humidity.

    Cần cẩn thận trong điều kiện độ ẩm cao.

conditions in which the air is wet and very warm

điều kiện trong đó không khí ẩm ướt và rất ấm áp

  • These plants need heat and humidity to grow well.

    Những cây này cần nhiệt độ và độ ẩm để phát triển tốt.

  • The humidity was becoming unbearable.

    Độ ẩm ngày càng trở nên không thể chịu nổi.