Definition of endure


chịu đựng


The word "endure" is derived from the Latin words "in" meaning "in" or "into" and "durus" meaning "hard" or "strong." In medieval times, the term "endure" was used to describe the process of remaining strong or hard in the face of adversity or hardship. In medieval times, the term "endure" was used to describe the process of remaining strong or hard in the face of adversity or hardship. The Latin prefix "in" was used to indicate that something was being enclosed or taken into something else, while the Latin adjective "durus" was used to indicate that something was being made strong or hard. In the English language, the word "endure" first appeared in the late 14th century, where it was used to describe the process of remaining strong or hard in the face of adversity or hardship. The word has since been used in various contexts, including medicine and engineering, to describe the process of remaining strong or hard in the face of adversity or hardship. In medicine and engineering, the word "endure" is used to describe the process of remaining strong or hard in the face of adversity or hardship. In medicine, the term "endure" is used to describe the process of remaining strong or hard in the face of pain or discomfort, while in engineering, the term "endure" is used to describe the process of remaining strong or hard in the face of stress or strain. In summary, the word "endure" is derived from the Latin words "in" meaning "in" or "into" and "durus" meaning "hard" or "strong." The word has since been used in various contexts, including medicine and engineering, to describe the process of remaining strong or hard in the face of adversity or hardship.


to experience and deal with something that is painful or unpleasant without giving up

trải nghiệm và giải quyết điều gì đó đau đớn hoặc khó chịu mà không từ bỏ

  • They had to endure a long wait before the case came to trial.

    Họ phải chịu đựng một thời gian dài chờ đợi trước khi vụ án được đưa ra xét xử.

  • She could not endure the thought of parting.

    Cô không thể chịu đựng được ý nghĩ chia tay.

  • The pain was almost too great to endure.

    Nỗi đau gần như quá lớn để có thể chịu đựng được.

  • a love that endures all things and never fails

    một tình yêu chịu đựng mọi sự và không bao giờ thất bại

  • He had to endure the racist taunts of the crowd.

    Anh phải chịu đựng những lời chế nhạo phân biệt chủng tộc của đám đông.

  • He can't endure being defeated.

    Anh ta không thể chịu đựng được việc bị đánh bại.

  • He can't endure to be defeated.

    Anh ta không thể chịu đựng được việc bị đánh bại.

Related words and phrases

to continue to exist for a long time

để tiếp tục tồn tại trong một thời gian dài

  • a success that will endure

    một thành công sẽ tồn tại

  • The torn flag has endured as a symbol of freedom.

    Lá cờ rách nát đã tồn tại như một biểu tượng của tự do.

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