Definition of dumbness


sự câm lặng


The word "dumbness" originates from the Old English word "dumb," which itself comes from the Proto-Germanic word "*dumbaz." This word likely derived from the Proto-Indo-European root "*dʰem-," meaning "to tame, to subdue." The original meaning of "dumb" was not necessarily related to speechlessness, but rather to "being silent" or "not speaking." Over time, the word evolved to primarily signify inability to speak, leading to the modern meaning of "dumbness."


the state or quality of being stupid

trạng thái hoặc chất lượng của sự ngu ngốc

  • In a moment of drunken dumbness, he tried to stand on his head.

    Trong giây phút say khướt, anh cố gắng đứng bằng đầu.

a condition in which a person is unable to speak

một tình trạng mà một người không thể nói