Definition of dopey


ngu ngốc


"Dopey" likely originated from the word "dope," which was originally a slang term for a "fool" or "simpleton." This usage dates back to the early 1800s and possibly even earlier. The word "dope" itself had a variety of meanings, including "a medicine or drug," "a thick, viscous liquid," and "information." It's likely the meaning of "fool" came from the association with being intoxicated or drugged, making someone behave foolishly. By the late 1800s, "dopey" emerged as a separate word, specifically describing someone slow-witted or lacking intelligence. The famous dwarf from Disney's Snow White, who is known for his clumsiness and lack of intelligence, cemented the association of "dopey" with a specific kind of foolishness.


rather stupid

khá ngu ngốc

  • a dopey grin

    một nụ cười ngốc nghếch

wanting to sleep or not thinking clearly, sometimes because you have taken a drug

muốn ngủ hoặc không suy nghĩ rõ ràng, đôi khi vì bạn đã dùng thuốc

  • I felt dopey and drowsy after the operation.

    Tôi cảm thấy buồn ngủ và buồn ngủ sau ca phẫu thuật.