Definition of naive


ngây thơ


The word "naive" comes from the French word "naïf," which was first used in the 17th century to describe a class of paintings that appeared simple, unsophisticated, and natural. These paintings were distinguished from the more elaborate and theatrical Baroque art of the time. The term "naïf" was originally used to denote artists who were unschooled, self-taught, or ignorant of the rules of art. These artists, it was believed, created works that were innocent, fresh, and devoid of the pretentiousness and artificiality of more established styles. Their works, considered naive, were also thought to have an authenticity and simplicity that was lacking in more refined art. The word "naive" eventually came to be used more broadly to describe people who are unsophisticated or unaware of the complexities of a particular situation or subject matter. In this context, naive may be a derogatory term, indicating a lack of knowledge, experience, or understanding. However, the original meaning of the term, as applied to art, has evolved to suggest a certain purity, honesty, and genuine emotion or expression that is often lacking in more polished and sophisticated works.


not showing enough knowledge, good judgement or experience of life; too willing to believe that people always tell you the truth

không thể hiện đủ kiến ​​thức, khả năng phán đoán tốt hoặc kinh nghiệm sống; quá sẵn lòng tin rằng mọi người luôn nói với bạn sự thật

  • to be politically naive

    ngây thơ về mặt chính trị

  • I can't believe you were so naive as to trust him!

    Tôi không thể tin được là bạn lại ngây thơ đến mức tin tưởng anh ấy!

  • a naive question

    một câu hỏi ngây thơ

  • It would be naive to imagine there is no risk involved.

    Sẽ thật ngây thơ khi tưởng tượng rằng không có rủi ro nào liên quan.

Extra examples:
  • He regarded the move as politically naive.

    Ông coi động thái này là ngây thơ về mặt chính trị.

  • He made some particularly naive remarks.

    Ông đã đưa ra một số nhận xét đặc biệt ngây thơ.

  • It would be naive of us to think that football is only a game.

    Sẽ thật ngây thơ nếu chúng ta nghĩ rằng bóng đá chỉ là một trò chơi.

innocent and simple

ngây thơ và đơn giản

  • Their approach to life is refreshingly naive.

    Cách tiếp cận cuộc sống của họ thật ngây thơ.

Related words and phrases

in a style which is deliberately very simple, often uses bright colours and is similar to that produced by a child

theo phong cách cố tình rất đơn giản, thường sử dụng màu sắc tươi sáng và tương tự như phong cách của một đứa trẻ