Definition of docket




The word "docket" has its roots in Old English and Old French. In Old English, the word "doca" referred to a list or register of items, while the Old French "doquet" referred to a bag or purse. In the 14th century, the term "docket" emerged in English as a list or summary of cases to be tried in court. This list was often written on a piece of parchment or paper, which was folded into a small pouch or "docket" bag. The term eventually came to refer to the list itself, which would include the names of cases, dates, and other relevant information. Today, a docket typically refers to the schedule of cases to be heard or tried in a court of law.


a document or label that shows what is in a package, which goods have been delivered, which jobs have been done, etc.

một tài liệu hoặc nhãn cho biết bên trong gói hàng có những gì, hàng hóa nào đã được giao, công việc nào đã được thực hiện, v.v.

a list of cases to be dealt with in a particular court

một danh sách các vụ việc được giải quyết tại một tòa án cụ thể

a list of items to be discussed at a meeting

danh sách các vấn đề sẽ được thảo luận tại cuộc họp