Definition of dinosaur


(loài) khủng long


Definition of undefined

The word "dinosaur" was coined by British paleontologist Sir Richard Owen in 1842. Owen was studying the newly discovered fossils of prehistoric reptiles in England and was impressed by their size and unique characteristics. He proposed the name "Dinosauria" to describe this group of animals, which he believed were distinct from other reptiles. The word "Dinosauria" comes from the Greek words "deinos" meaning "terrible" or "fearful" and "saurus" meaning "lizard". Owen chose this name because he believed these ancient creatures were truly awe-inspiring and formidable. The term "dinosaur" was later shortened from "Dinosauria" and has since become widely used to refer to these prehistoric reptiles. Owen's discovery and naming of the dinosaurs revolutionized the field of paleontology and the public's understanding of prehistoric life.


a reptile that lived millions of years ago but is now extinct (= it no longer exists). There were many types of dinosaur, some of which were very large.

một loài bò sát sống cách đây hàng triệu năm nhưng hiện đã tuyệt chủng (= nó không còn tồn tại). Có rất nhiều loại khủng long, một số trong đó rất lớn.

a person or thing that is old-fashioned and cannot change in the changing conditions of modern life

người hoặc vật đã lỗi thời và không thể thay đổi trong điều kiện thay đổi của cuộc sống hiện đại