Definition of fossil


hóa thạch


The word "fossil" originates from the Latin word "fossilis," meaning "dug up" or "extracted." It was coined in the 17th century by a French naturalist, Nicolas Steno, who used the term to describe the remains of prehistoric animals that had been unearthed from the earth. At the time, these discoveries were puzzling, as they appeared to be ancient relics that were not current in nature. Steno believed that these organisms had been entombed in rock formations long ago and had since been excavated, hence the name "fossil" - a term that has now become an essential part of geological and biological vocabulary.


the parts of a dead animal or a plant that have become hard and turned into rock

các bộ phận của động vật hoặc thực vật chết đã trở nên cứng và biến thành đá

  • fossils over two million years old

    hóa thạch hơn hai triệu năm tuổi

an old person, especially one who is unable to accept new ideas or adapt to changes

một người già, đặc biệt là một người không thể chấp nhận những ý tưởng mới hoặc thích ứng với những thay đổi

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