Definition of corrode


ăn mòn


The word "corrode" has its roots in Latin. The Latin word "corrodere" means "to gnaw" or "to eat away", and it is derived from "cor," which means "heart" or "core", and "rodere," which means "to gnaw". This Latin word is also the source of the English word "corrosive", which refers to a substance that causes corrosion or wears away. In Middle English, the word "corroden" or "corroden" emerged, and it retained its original meaning of "to gnaw" or "to eat away". Over time, the spelling evolved into the modern English word "corrode", which is used to describe the gradual destruction or deterioration of a material, typically due to chemical or electrochemical reactions. Despite its changing spelling and meaning, the word "corrode" still retains its connection to the Latin concept of something eating away or gnawing at a surface.


to slowly destroy or damage metal, stone or other materials by chemical action; to be destroyed in this way

phá hủy hoặc làm hư hỏng từ từ kim loại, đá hoặc các vật liệu khác bằng tác động hóa học; bị phá hủy theo cách này

  • Acid corrodes metal.

    Axit ăn mòn kim loại.

  • The copper pipework has corroded in places.

    Đường ống đồng bị ăn mòn nhiều chỗ.

to slowly destroy or make something weaker

từ từ phá hủy hoặc làm cho cái gì đó yếu đi

  • Corruption corrodes public confidence in a political system.

    Tham nhũng làm xói mòn niềm tin của công chúng vào hệ thống chính trị.