Definition of rust


rỉ sét


The word "rust" has its roots in Old English. The original term was "rysstan" or "rystian", which was derived from the Proto-Germanic word "*rusiz" and the Proto-Indo-European root "*reus-", both of which meant "to break off" or "to crack". In Middle English (circa 11th to 15th centuries), the word "rust" evolved to refer specifically to the reddish-brown oxide coating that forms on iron and steel due to oxidation. This process, known as rusting, occurs when iron or steel is exposed to air and moisture. Today, the word "rust" can also be used more broadly to describe the decay or corrosion of materials, as well as to rhyme with other words, such as "dust" or "fust". Despite its origins in the physical process of corrosion, the word "rust" has taken on a wide range of meanings and uses over the centuries.


a red-brown substance that is formed on some metals by the action of water and air

một chất màu đỏ nâu được hình thành trên một số kim loại do tác dụng của nước và không khí

  • pipes covered with rust

    ống bị rỉ sét

  • rust spots

    đốm gỉ

  • a rust-coloured dress

    một chiếc váy màu rỉ sét

  • The lock was covered with rust.

    Ổ khóa bị rỉ sét.

  • The old padlock was red with rust.

    Chiếc ổ khóa cũ đã hoen gỉ màu đỏ.

Related words and phrases

a plant disease that causes red-brown spots; the fungus that causes this disease

một loại bệnh thực vật gây ra các đốm đỏ nâu; nấm gây ra căn bệnh này

Related words and phrases

Phrasal verbs