Definition of erode


xói mòn


The word "erode" comes from the Latin words "ex" (ex), which means "out", and "radicare" (radicare), which means "root up". In ancient Rome, the verb form of "radicare" was used to describe the act of pulling up roots. In modern English, the word "erode" is used to describe the act of gradually wearing away or reducing something, especially in relation to natural features, geological features, or environmental factors. Erosion is often seen as being a way of gradually wearing away or reducing natural features, geological features, or environmental factors, especially in relation to geological processes, environmental factors, or environmental degradation. In geology and earth science studies, the term "erode" is used to describe the act of gradually wearing away or reducing geological features, especially in relation to geological processes, such as weathering, erosion, or landslides. This usage is common in many different contexts, from geomorphology and landscape evolution to geology and environmental geology, where it is used to describe the act of gradually wearing away or reducing geological features, which is intended to promote geological understanding, especially in relation to geological processes, environmental factors, or environmental degradation. In environmental studies and ecology studies, the term "erode" is used to describe the act of gradually wearing away or reducing environmental features, especially in relation to environmental factors, such as soil erosion, water erosion, or wind erosion. This usage is common in many different contexts, from environmental conservation and environmental sustainability to ecology and environmental ecology, where it is used to describe the act of gradually wearing away or reducing environmental features, which is intended to promote environmental conservation, environmental sustainability, and environmental ecology, especially in relation to environmental factors, such as soil erosion, water erosion, or wind erosion. In all of these contexts, the word "erode" is used to describe the act of gradually wearing away or reducing natural features, geological features, or environmental features, especially in relation to geological processes, environmental factors, or environmental degradation. The verb forms of "ex" and "radicare" are sometimes used to describe the act of gradually wearing away or reducing natural features, geological features, or environmental features, in these contexts.


to gradually destroy the surface of something through the action of wind, rain, etc.; to be gradually destroyed in this way

dần dần phá hủy bề mặt của một vật nào đó thông qua tác động của gió, mưa, v.v.; dần dần bị phá hủy theo cách này

  • The cliff face has been steadily eroded by the sea.

    Mặt vách đá đã bị nước biển xói mòn dần.

  • The rocks have eroded away over time.

    Những tảng đá đã bị xói mòn theo thời gian.

Extra examples:
  • The river bank had been steadily eroded over the years.

    Bờ sông bị xói mòn dần theo năm tháng.

  • Without adequate protection from plants, the river banks began to erode.

    Không có sự bảo vệ thích hợp từ thực vật, bờ sông bắt đầu bị xói mòn.

  • Walkers should stick to obvious paths, even if they are badly eroded.

    Người đi bộ nên đi theo những con đường rõ ràng, ngay cả khi chúng bị xói mòn nghiêm trọng.

Related words and phrases

to gradually destroy something or make it weaker over a period of time; to be destroyed or made weaker in this way

dần dần phá hủy một cái gì đó hoặc làm cho nó yếu đi trong một khoảng thời gian; bị phá hủy hoặc làm yếu đi theo cách này

  • Her confidence has been slowly eroded by repeated failures.

    Sự tự tin của cô dần bị xói mòn bởi những thất bại liên tiếp.

  • Mortgage payments have been eroded (= decreased in value) by inflation.

    Các khoản thanh toán thế chấp đã bị xói mòn (= giảm giá trị) do lạm phát.

  • The experience had seriously eroded his confidence in himself.

    Trải nghiệm đó đã làm xói mòn nghiêm trọng sự tự tin của anh vào bản thân.

  • All my security has slowly eroded away.

    Tất cả sự an toàn của tôi đã dần bị xói mòn.

Extra examples:
  • We live in a world whose moral base has been eroded.

    Chúng ta đang sống trong một thế giới mà nền tảng đạo đức đã bị xói mòn.

  • Price rises have eroded profit margins.

    Giá tăng đã làm xói mòn biên lợi nhuận.

  • the commercial pressures that threaten to erode local traditions

    áp lực thương mại đe dọa làm xói mòn truyền thống địa phương

  • The pressure towards uniformity that constantly threatens to erode local traditions.

    Áp lực hướng tới sự đồng nhất luôn đe dọa làm xói mòn các truyền thống địa phương.

  • The distinction between social classes is slowly being eroded.

    Sự phân biệt giữa các giai cấp xã hội đang dần bị xóa bỏ.