Definition of coolly


lạnh lùng


The word "coolly" has a fascinating history. It originated in the mid-17th century from the Old English words "cōl" meaning "cool" and the suffix "-ly" which forms an adverb. Initially, "coolly" meant "in a cool manner" or "with a coolness." Over time, its meaning expanded to describe someone or something that is calm, composed, and restrained, especially in a challenging or difficult situation. In the 19th century, "coolly" took on a new connotation in African American Vernacular English, carrying a tone of urbanity, nonchalance, and even wit. This nuance is thought to have originated in the jazz and blues scenes of the early 20th century, where musicians and performers would use the phrase to describe their relaxed and collected demeanor amidst chaos. Today, "coolly" is used to express admiration for someone's poise, calmness, and confidence in the face of adversity.


in a way that is not friendly or enthusiastic

theo cách không thân thiện hoặc nhiệt tình

  • ‘We're just good friends,’ she said coolly.

    "Chúng tôi chỉ là bạn tốt thôi", cô nói một cách lạnh lùng.

  • He received my suggestion coolly.

    Anh ấy đón nhận lời đề nghị của tôi một cách bình tĩnh.

in a calm way

một cách bình tĩnh

  • Mike was astonished but Emma took it very coolly.

    Mike thì ngạc nhiên nhưng Emma lại tỏ ra rất bình tĩnh.