Definition of continence


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The word "continence" has its roots in the Latin language. The Latin word "continencia" or "continentia" means "constraint" or "self-control." This Latin word is a derivative of "continere," which means "to hold together" or "to restrain." The word "continence" entered the English language in the 14th century and originally referred to the act of restraining or holding back one's bodily functions, such as urine or feces. Over time, the definition of "continence" expanded to include the concept of self-control or moderation in one's thoughts, words, and actions. In contemporary usage, "continence" is often associated with the ability to control one's bladder or bowels, but it can also refer to the practice of abstinence or the restraint of one's desires. Throughout its history, the word "continence" has been imbued with connotations of moral virtue and self-discipline.


the control of your feelings, especially your desire to have sex

kiểm soát cảm xúc của bạn, đặc biệt là ham muốn quan hệ tình dục

the ability to control the bladder and bowels

khả năng kiểm soát bàng quang và ruột

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