Definition of confer




The word "confer" derived from the Latin verb "conferre," which means "to bring together" or "to unite." It's a combination of "con," which means "with," and "ferre," which means "to bear" or "to carry." In the Latin language, "conferre" was commonly used to describe a meeting or consultation between two or more people, in order to arrive at a decision or to share information. For example, "conveniunt et conferunt" in Latin meant "they come together and confer." The word "confer" entered the English language during the Middle English period, around the 14th century. Its meaning has remained consistent with its Latin roots, and it is still used today to describe a meeting or consultation between two or more people, particularly in academic or professional settings, to share ideas or to make decisions collectively.


to discuss something with somebody, in order to exchange opinions or get advice

thảo luận điều gì đó với ai đó, để trao đổi ý kiến ​​hoặc nhận lời khuyên

  • He wanted to confer with his colleagues before reaching a decision.

    Anh ấy muốn trao đổi với các đồng nghiệp trước khi đưa ra quyết định.

to give somebody an award, a university degree or a particular honour or right

trao cho ai đó một giải thưởng, bằng đại học hoặc một danh dự hay quyền lợi cụ thể

  • An honorary degree was conferred on him by Oxford University in 2019.

    Ông đã được Đại học Oxford trao bằng danh dự vào năm 2019.