Definition of compose


soạn, biên soạn


The word "compose" has a fascinating origin. It comes from the Latin "componere," which means "to put together" or "to combine." This Latin term is a combination of "com-" (meaning "together") and "ponere" (meaning "to put"). In the 14th century, the Latin "componere" was borrowed into Middle English as "compose," initially meaning "to combine or assemble" physical objects, such as pieces of art or elements of a whole. Over time, the meaning of "compose" expanded to include the idea of combining or arranging words, thoughts, or emotions to create something coherent or harmonious, such as music, literature, or poetry. Today, the word "compose" has multiple meanings, including not only its original sense of assembling physical objects but also the sense of creating artistic or literary works by combining elements, as well as the sense of calming or soothing one's emotions or thoughts through organization and arrangement.


to write music

viết nhạc

  • Mozart composed his last opera shortly before he died.

    Mozart sáng tác vở opera cuối cùng của mình ngay trước khi qua đời.

  • music specially composed for the occasion

    âm nhạc được sáng tác đặc biệt cho dịp này

to write a letter, etc. usually with a lot of care and thought

viết một lá thư, v.v. thường với rất nhiều sự quan tâm và suy nghĩ

  • She composed a letter of protest.

    Cô ấy đã viết một lá thư phản đối.

to combine together to form a whole

kết hợp với nhau để tạo thành một tổng thể

  • Ten people compose the committee.

    Mười người thành lập ủy ban.

Related words and phrases

to manage to control your feelings or expression

để quản lý để kiểm soát cảm xúc hoặc biểu hiện của bạn

  • Emma frowned, making an effort to compose herself.

    Emma cau mày, cố gắng trấn tĩnh lại.

  • I was so confused that I could hardly compose my thoughts.

    Tôi bối rối đến mức khó có thể sắp xếp được suy nghĩ của mình.

Related words and phrases