Definition of coldness


sự lạnh lùng


"Coldness" is a noun formed from the adjective "cold," which has its roots in Old English "cēald." "Cēald" itself is thought to be derived from a Proto-Germanic word, likely *kaldaz. This word is related to similar terms for "cold" found in other Germanic languages, as well as to the Latin "calidus" (hot), suggesting a common ancestor. While the exact origin of the term is uncertain, it's clear that "coldness" is a word with a long and rich history, reflecting the fundamental human experience of temperature and its impact on our lives.


the lack of warm feelings; unfriendly behaviour

thiếu cảm giác ấm áp; hành vi không thân thiện

  • She was hurt by the coldness in his voice.

    Cô bị tổn thương bởi sự lạnh lùng trong giọng nói của anh.

Extra examples:
  • There was a coldness in her voice.

    Trong giọng nói của cô có chút lạnh lùng.

  • his coldness towards his parents

    sự lạnh lùng của anh ấy đối với bố mẹ

  • the coldness between Jack and Martha

    sự lạnh lùng giữa Jack và Martha

the state of being cold

trạng thái lạnh

  • The icy coldness of the water revived her.

    Cái lạnh băng giá của nước làm cô tỉnh lại.

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