Definition of cobalt




The word "cobalt" originates from the German word "Kobalt", which is derived from the Persian word "Khub al-Ahjar", meaning "heart of the mine". This refers to the mineral's ability to seem to be the heart or center of the ore from which it is extracted. The mineral cobalt was first described by the German alchemist Basilius Valentinus in the 14th century, who obtained it from silver ores. The name "cobalt" was later adopted into Latin as "cupraboletum", and then into English as "cobalt". Cobalt was initially used to make acids, paints, and ceramics, but its primary use today is in the production of high-temperature superalloys, magnetic steels, and lithium-ion batteries.


a chemical element. Cobalt is a hard silver-white metal, often mixed with other metals and used to give a deep blue-green colour to glass.

một nguyên tố hóa học Cobalt là một kim loại cứng màu trắng bạc, thường được trộn với các kim loại khác và được sử dụng để tạo ra màu xanh lam đậm cho thủy tinh.

a deep blue-green colour

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