Definition of metal


kim loại


Definition of undefined

The word "metal" has its roots in ancient Greece. The Greek word "metallon" (μετάλλον) means "quarry" or "mine", and refers to the extraction of ore from the earth. This term was later adopted into Latin as "metallum", which retained the same meaning. In the 14th century, the word "metal" was borrowed into Middle English from Old French, where it had already developed the sense of "a solid substance resembling stone, esp. one that is hard and shiny". Over time, the scientific understanding of metals as elements with specific properties led to the modern usage of the term, referring to a wide range of elements such as copper, iron, and gold. Throughout its history, the word "metal" has retained its connection to the idea of extraction and processing from the earth, reflecting humanity's long history of working with and exploiting natural resources.


(to go) at full speed; (to drive) with the accelerator of the car pressed to the floor

(đi) hết tốc lực; (lái xe) với chân ga của ô tô ép xuống sàn

  • We drove through the night flat-out, with the pedal to the metal.

    Chúng tôi lái xe suốt đêm, nhấn bàn đạp vào kim loại.

to use as much effort as possible; with as much effort as possible

sử dụng càng nhiều nỗ lực càng tốt; với nhiều nỗ lực nhất có thể

  • I'm still putting the pedal to the metal here at work.

    Tôi vẫn đang nhấn bàn đạp vào kim loại tại nơi làm việc.


put the pedal to the metal
(to go) at full speed; (to drive) with the accelerator of the car pressed to the floor
  • We drove through the night flat-out, with the pedal to the metal.
  • to use as much effort as possible; with as much effort as possible
  • I'm still putting the pedal to the metal here at work.