Definition of clench


nắm chặt


The word "clench" has its roots in Old English and Middle English. The earliest recorded word "clencan" meaning "to grip or grasp" dates back to around the 9th century. This word is derived from the Old English words "clīc" meaning "firm hold" and "can" meaning "to grasp". The term was initially used to describe physical actions such as gripping or grasping something, but over time, it took on additional meanings, including figurative uses like "clenching one's fist" to convey tense emotions like anger or frustration.


when you clench your hands, teeth, etc., or when they clench, you press them together tightly, usually showing that you are angry, determined or upset

khi bạn siết chặt tay, răng, v.v., hoặc khi chúng siết chặt, bạn ấn chặt chúng lại với nhau, thường cho thấy rằng bạn đang tức giận, quyết tâm hoặc khó chịu

  • He clenched his fists in anger.

    Anh siết chặt nắm tay trong cơn giận dữ.

  • Through clenched teeth she told him to leave.

    Qua hàm răng nghiến chặt, cô bảo anh rời đi.

  • His fists clenched slowly until his knuckles were white.

    Bàn tay anh từ từ siết chặt đến mức các đốt ngón tay trắng bệch.

  • Her hands clenched involuntarily.

    Tay cô vô thức nắm chặt lại.

  • She sat with hands clenched together in her lap.

    Cô ngồi với hai bàn tay đan vào nhau trong lòng.

  • His jaw was clenched tight.

    Quai hàm anh nghiến chặt.

to hold something tightly

giữ chặt cái gì đó

  • Her pen was clenched between her teeth.

    Cây bút của cô bị nghiến chặt giữa hai hàm răng.

  • She had a gun clenched tightly in her hand.

    Cô ấy đang nắm chặt khẩu súng trong tay.

  • He clenched the steering wheel tightly.

    Anh siết chặt vô lăng.

Extra examples:
  • She sat at her desk, her pen clenched between her teeth.

    Cô ngồi ở bàn làm việc, cây bút nghiến chặt giữa hai hàm răng.

  • He had a wine glass clenched firmly in his hand.

    Trên tay anh nắm chặt ly rượu.