Definition of chicken


gà, gà con, thịt gà


Definition of undefined

The origin of the word "chicken" is a fascinating topic. The term "chicken" is believed to have originated from the Old English word "cicen" or "cycen," which referred to a young chicken or a small capon. However, the word "chicken" as we know it today, meaning the domesticated fowl (Gallus gallus domesticus), has a more complex etymology. The Oxford English Dictionary suggests that the modern English word "chicken" comes from the 15th-century Middle English phrase "chicken of chickens," meaning "a young or small chicken." This phrase was likely derived from the Old French "poulet," which referred to a young fowl or a small chicken. Over time, the phrase "chicken of chickens" was shortened to simply "chicken," and the term began to refer to the domesticated species as a whole.


a large bird that is often kept for its eggs or meat

một con chim lớn thường được nuôi để lấy trứng hoặc thịt

  • They keep chickens in the back yard.

    Họ nuôi gà ở sân sau.

  • free-range chickens

    gà thả rông

  • Chickens were pecking at the ground.

    Gà đang mổ trên mặt đất.

  • the sound of chickens clucking

    tiếng gà gáy

Extra examples:
  • A few chickens were scratching around the yard.

    Vài con gà đang gặm cỏ quanh sân.

  • Are we just going to sit here like trussed up chickens?

    Chúng ta cứ ngồi đây như bị trói gà à?

  • Battery chickens have miserable lives.

    Gà pin có cuộc sống khốn khổ.

  • Free-range chickens have happy lives.

    Gà thả rông có cuộc sống hạnh phúc.

  • a crate of live chickens

    một thùng gà sống

Related words and phrases

meat from a chicken

thịt từ một con gà

  • fried chicken

    gà rán

  • roast/grilled chicken

    gà nướng/nướng

  • succulent pieces of chicken

    miếng thịt gà ngon

  • chicken and chips

    gà và khoai tây chiên

  • chicken breasts/wings

    ức/cánh gà

  • chicken livers/thighs

    gan/đùi gà

  • chicken nuggets

    gà viên

  • a chicken sandwich

    Bánh sandwich gà

  • chicken soup

    súp gà

  • chicken stock

    nước luộc gà

Related words and phrases

a person who is not brave or is afraid to do something

một người không dũng cảm hoặc sợ làm điều gì đó

  • He called me a chicken because I wouldn't swim in the river.

    Anh ấy gọi tôi là gà vì tôi không chịu bơi dưới sông.


a chicken-and-egg situation, problem, etc.
a situation in which it is difficult to tell which one of two things was the cause of the other
something comes home to roost
used to say that if somebody says or does something bad or wrong, it will affect them badly in the future
don’t count your chickens (before they are hatched)
(saying)you should not be too confident that something will be successful, because something may still go wrong
play chicken
to play a game in which people do something dangerous for as long as they can to show how brave they are. The person who stops first has lost the game.
  • The children had been playing chicken by running across the railway line.
  • run around like a headless chicken
    to be very busy and active trying to do something, but not very organized, with the result that you do not succeed