Definition of chauvinistic


chủ nghĩa Sô vanh


"Chauvinistic" originates from the French soldier Nicolas Chauvin, a fervent supporter of Napoleon Bonaparte. In the early 19th century, Chauvin's unwavering loyalty and exaggerated patriotism became synonymous with excessive nationalism and blind devotion to one's country. The word "chauvin" was first used in the play "La Cocarde Tricolore" (1831) to describe a character based on Chauvin. By the mid-19th century, "chauvinism" and "chauvinistic" entered the English language to describe excessive patriotism and blind allegiance to a particular group or belief.


believing that men are more important, intelligent or better than women

tin rằng đàn ông quan trọng hơn, thông minh hơn hoặc tốt hơn phụ nữ

  • He plays a chauvinistic pig of an advertising executive.

    Anh vào vai một giám đốc quảng cáo theo chủ nghĩa sô vanh.

showing an aggressive and unreasonable belief that your own country is better than all others

thể hiện niềm tin mãnh liệt và vô lý rằng đất nước của bạn tốt hơn tất cả những nơi khác

  • chauvinistic nationalism

    chủ nghĩa dân tộc sô-vanh