Definition of intolerant


không khoan dung


The word "intolerant" originated from the Latin root word "tolerare" meaning "to bear, put up with". The prefix "in-" in the English language serves to indicate opposition or negation, making intolerant a word that implies a lack of tolerance, or the inability or unwillingness to embrace, accept, or endure something - often referring to a strongly held belief or lifestyle that differs from one's own. The concept of intolerance is deeply rooted in human history, with religious and cultural conflicts having led to intolerant attitudes towards those who adopted different beliefs or practices. Over time, the use of intolerant as a descriptive term has expanded to encompass an array of societal issues, including but not limited to prejudice against individuals with different sexual orientations, beliefs on abortion, dietary preferences, or disability status, among others, revealing the ongoing struggle in creating and maintaining a society that is diverse, inclusive and tolerant.


not willing to accept ideas or ways of behaving that are different from your own

không sẵn sàng chấp nhận những ý tưởng hoặc cách hành xử khác với của bạn

  • She was intolerant of others who were less efficient than her.

    Cô ấy không khoan dung với những người kém hiệu quả hơn cô ấy.

  • He was deeply intolerant of all opposition.

    Ông vô cùng cố chấp trước mọi sự phản đối.

Related words and phrases

not able to eat particular foods, use particular medicines, etc. without becoming ill

không thể ăn các loại thực phẩm cụ thể, sử dụng các loại thuốc cụ thể, v.v. mà không bị bệnh

  • recipes for people who are gluten intolerant

    công thức nấu ăn cho những người không dung nạp gluten