Definition of chastise


trừng phạt


The word "chastise" has its roots in the Latin word "castigare," which means "to correct or punish." This Latin word is a combination of "castrum," meaning "chastity" or "modesty," and "agere," meaning "to do" or "to perform." In Old French, the word "chastier" emerged, which was derived from the Latin "castigare." This Old French word meant "to correct or amend" and was used to describe the act of correcting one's behavior or actions. The English word "chastise" was first used in the 14th century, adopted from the Old French "chastier." Today, the word "chastise" means to punish or correct someone or something for a wrongdoing or misbehavior.


to criticize somebody for doing something wrong

chỉ trích ai đó vì đã làm điều gì sai

  • He chastised the team for their lack of commitment.

    Anh ấy trừng phạt cả đội vì sự thiếu cam kết của họ.

to punish somebody physically

trừng phạt ai đó về mặt thể chất

  • Parents are no longer allowed to chastise their children as they did in the past.

    Cha mẹ không còn được phép khiển trách con cái như trước nữa.

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