Definition of butchery


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The word "butchery" has its roots in Old French, where it was spelled "boucherie". This term referred to a slaughterhouse or a place where meat was cut up and sold. The word itself is derived from the Old French word "buche", meaning "flesh" or "meat", and the suffix "-erie", which indicates a place or location. The term "butchery" has been used in the English language since the 14th century to describe the act of cutting up and preparing raw meat for consumption. Over time, the term has also come to describe the act of committing violent or brutal acts, such as the butchery of war or the butchery of a crime scene. Today, the term "butchery" is used more broadly to describe any situation where violence or brutality is inflicted on others, often with a sense of shock and horror.


cruel, violent and unnecessary killing

giết chóc tàn nhẫn, bạo lực và không cần thiết

  • When are they going to put an end to this butchery?

    Khi nào họ mới chấm dứt nạn tàn sát này?

the work of preparing meat to be sold

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