Definition of boozer


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The term "boozer" has a fascinating history! It originated in the mid-19th century in the United States. Initially, it referred to a barrel or container for fermented drinks, such as beer or cider. Over time, the term took on a new meaning, describing someone who was fond of drinking, particularly excessively. It's believed that the term "boozer" came from the American slang term "boos," which was used to describe a loyal customer or one who indulged in drinking. By the early 20th century, "boozer" had become a common term to describe a heavy drinker, often in a derogatory or humorous manner. Today, the term is still widely used, especially in the context of pop culture, sports, and social gatherings. Who knew that a humble container for fermented drinks could lead to a term for a fun-loving party animal?


a pub

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a person who drinks a lot of alcohol

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