Definition of blithely


một cách vui vẻ


The word "blithely" traces its roots back to the Old English word "bliþe," meaning "joyful," "happy," or "merry." Over time, "bliþe" evolved into "blithe," which retained the core meaning of cheerfulness. The "-ly" suffix, common in English, was added to form "blithely," signifying a manner or state of being blithe. This transformation occurred sometime in the 14th century, solidifying "blithely" as a descriptive word for actions or states characterized by lightheartedness and carefree joy.


in a way that shows you do not care or are not anxious about what you are doing

theo cách cho thấy bạn không quan tâm hoặc không lo lắng về việc bạn đang làm

  • He was blithely unaware of the trouble he'd caused.

    Anh ta vô tình không nhận thức được rắc rối mình đã gây ra.

  • ‘It'll be easy,’ she said blithely.

    “Sẽ dễ dàng thôi,” cô nói một cách vui vẻ.

in a happy way; without any worries

một cách hạnh phúc; không có bất kỳ lo lắng

  • ‘Hi, I'm Candy,’ she said blithely.

    “Xin chào, tôi là Candy,” cô vui vẻ nói.