Definition of cutely


dễ thương


The adverb "cutely" has a fascinating history! It's believed to have originated in the late 17th century from the Scottish Gaelic word "cuilte," which means "sleepy" or "drowsy." Over time, the spelling and meaning of the word evolved. In the 18th century, "cutely" started to be used to describe something or someone that is endearing, charming, or quaint. Initially, "cutely" had a slightly pejorative connotation, implying that something was pleasingly imperfect or endearingly awkward. However, by the mid-19th century, the word's meaning had shifted to its current positive sense, describing something as charming, adorable, or downright precious. Today, "cutely" is often used to describe people, objects, or situations that bring joy or delight. Whether it's a child's antics, a adorable animal, or a quaint old-fashioned item, "cutely" is the perfect word to convey our affection and appreciation for something that brings a smile to our faces!


in a way that is pretty and attractive

theo một cách đẹp và hấp dẫn

  • to smile cutely

    cười một cách dễ thương


một cách khéo léo

  • She cutely tries to gain his trust.

    Cô ấy cố gắng lấy lòng tin của anh một cách dễ thương.

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