Definition of ascribe to

ascribe tophrasal verb

gán cho


The origin of the phrase " ascribe to" can be traced back to the Old French word "ascriver," which was derived from the Latin word "ascribere." The meaning of "ascribere" was to "assign, attribute, or attribute something to someone or something." In Middle English, the verb "ascriben" was used with the same meaning, and it eventually evolved into the modern English word "ascribe." In its current form, "ascribe to" means "to attribute, assign, or credit to someone or something." The phrase "ascribe to" has been in use for centuries, and its meaning has remained relatively consistent throughout its history. It is commonly used in various contexts, including literature, science, and religion, to convey the idea of assigning a particular characteristic, quality, or action to a specific source or entity.


to consider that something is caused by a particular thing or person

coi rằng một cái gì đó được gây ra bởi một vật hoặc một người cụ thể

  • He ascribed his failure to bad luck.

    Ông cho rằng thất bại của mình là do kém may mắn.

to consider that somebody/something has or should have a particular quality

coi ai đó/cái gì đó có hoặc nên có một phẩm chất cụ thể

  • We ascribe great importance to these policies.

    Chúng tôi rất coi trọng những chính sách này.

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