Definition of although


mặc dù, dẫu cho


Definition of undefined

The word "although" has a fascinating history. It originated in the 15th century from Old English "þah," which was the conjunction "though" with the adverb "hwaðer" meaning "if" or "though." Over time, the phrase "þah hwaðer" evolved into "þorhte" and eventually "altho" in Middle English. The word "altho" was first used in the 14th century to connect two clauses, indicating a concession or contrast between them. Its meaning was later extended to include additional meanings, such as indicating a condition or stipulation. The modern English spelling "although" emerged in the 16th century, and it has been used in this form ever since. Throughout its evolution, "although" has remained a versatile word, used to connect clauses and convey subtle shades of meaning in countless contexts. Its rich history reflects the dynamic nature of the English language, which has continued to grow and adapt over the centuries.


used for introducing a statement that makes the main statement in a sentence seem surprising

được sử dụng để giới thiệu một tuyên bố làm cho tuyên bố chính trong câu có vẻ đáng ngạc nhiên

  • Although the sun was shining, it wasn't very warm.

    Mặc dù mặt trời đang chiếu sáng nhưng nó không ấm lắm.

  • Although small, the kitchen is well designed.

    Tuy nhỏ nhưng căn bếp được thiết kế rất hợp lý.

Related words and phrases

used to mean ‘but’ or ‘however’ when you are commenting on a statement

được sử dụng với nghĩa là ‘nhưng’ hoặc ‘tuy nhiên’ khi bạn bình luận về một câu phát biểu

  • I felt he was wrong, although I didn't say so at the time.

    Tôi cảm thấy anh ấy đã sai, mặc dù lúc đó tôi không nói ra điều đó.