Definition of aggressiveness


Tích cực


The word "aggressiveness" originates from the Latin word "aggredi," meaning "to go towards, to attack." This word was further developed in the 14th century into the Middle English word "aggressive," which described someone who was inclined to attack or act offensively. The "-ness" suffix was added to the word "aggressive" in the 16th century to indicate the quality or state of being aggressive. Thus, "aggressiveness" signifies a tendency to be assertive, hostile, or forceful.


angry and threatening behaviour

hành vi tức giận và đe dọa

  • assumptions about the natural aggressiveness of boys and men

    giả định về tính hung hăng tự nhiên của con trai và đàn ông

behaviour that is determined and shows force in order to succeed

hành vi được xác định và thể hiện sức mạnh để thành công

  • Local businesses lacked aggressiveness in marketing their products.

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