Definition of absolutism


chủ nghĩa chuyên chế


The term "absolutism" originates from the Latin word "absolutus," meaning "unbound" or "unrestricted." In the 17th century, it referred to the idea that a monarch or ruler has absolute authority and power over their kingdom or territory, unencumbered by limitations or checks from others. Absolutism emerged as a doctrine of kingship during the Age of Absolutism (1550-1800), particularly in France, Prussia, and Austria. The monarchs of these countries claimed the right to make laws, appoint officials, and manage the economy without interference from nobles, provinces, or other institutions. This concept was advocated by thinkers such as Thomas Hobbes and Jean Bodin, who argued that a strong, centralized state was necessary for stability and prosperity. The term "absolutism" was coined to describe this philosophical and political ideology, which emphasized the supreme authority of the monarch over the state and society.


a political system in which a leader or government has total power at all times

một hệ thống chính trị trong đó một nhà lãnh đạo hoặc chính phủ có toàn quyền mọi lúc

belief in a political, religious or moral principle that is thought to be true in all circumstances

niềm tin vào một nguyên tắc chính trị, tôn giáo hoặc đạo đức được cho là đúng trong mọi hoàn cảnh