Definition of worm




The word "worm" has been used for centuries to describe a wide range of organisms, from the simple and tiny roundworms found in soil to the parasitic worms that can infect the human body. The origin of the word "worm" is believed to date back to the Old English word "wyrm," meaning "serpent" or "dragon." This word likely evolved from the Proto-Germanic language, where "wurmizz" referred to a serpent or dragon. As time passed, the meaning of "wyrm" evolved to include the smaller, less menacing creatures we now refer to as worms. In Middle English, the word "wyrm" began to expand to encompass a variety of creatures, including earthworms and other soil-dwelling animals. By the 14th century, the word "wyrm" had transformed into "worm," and it continued to be used to describe everything from the tiny, wriggling creatures found in soil to larger, parasitic worms that can cause human illnesses. Today, the term "worm" is still used to refer to a variety of creatures, including roundworms, flatworms, and tapeworms. These organisms are diverse in size, shape, and lifestyle, ranging from the microscopic roundworms that live in soil and decaying matter, to the massive, intestine-dwelling tapeworms that can reach inches in length. Despite their differences, all of these creatures share the common thread of being referred to by the now familiar term "worm."


a long, thin creature with a soft body and no bones or legs

một sinh vật dài và gầy với thân hình mềm mại và không có xương hoặc chân

  • birds looking for worms

    chim đi tìm sâu

  • Worms burrow down through the soil.

    Giun chui xuống đất.

Related words and phrases

long, thin creatures that live inside the bodies of humans or animals and can cause illness

sinh vật dài, mỏng sống bên trong cơ thể người hoặc động vật và có thể gây bệnh

  • The dog has worms.

    Con chó có giun.

Related words and phrases

the young form of an insect when it looks like a short worm

hình dạng non của côn trùng khi nó trông giống như một con sâu ngắn

  • This apple is full of worms.

    Quả táo này đầy sâu.

Related words and phrases

a computer program that is a type of virus and that spreads across a network by copying itself

một chương trình máy tính là một loại vi-rút và lây lan trên mạng bằng cách tự sao chép

a person you do not like or respect, especially because they have a weak character and do not behave well towards other people

một người mà bạn không thích hoặc không tôn trọng, đặc biệt là vì họ có tính cách yếu đuối và không cư xử tốt với người khác


a can of worms
(informal)if you open up a can of worms, you start doing something that will cause a lot of problems and be very difficult
the early bird catches the worm
(saying)the person who takes the opportunity to do something before other people will have an advantage over them
the worm will turn
(saying)a person who is normally quiet and does not complain will protest when the situation becomes too hard to bear