Definition of warmly


nồng nhiệt


"Warmly" is an adverb formed from the adjective "warm," which has an interesting history. Its origins lie in the Old English word "wearm," which is related to the Proto-Germanic word "werman," meaning "to warm oneself." The "w" in "warm" eventually softened to a "v" in Middle English, giving us the modern "warm." Adding "-ly" to "warm" creates the adverb "warmly," signifying a manner or degree of warmth, often used to describe a feeling, gesture, or welcome.


in a way that keeps you warm

theo cách giúp bạn ấm áp

  • They were warmly dressed in coats and scarves.

    Họ ăn mặc ấm áp với áo khoác và khăn quàng cổ.

in a way that shows enthusiasm, friendship or love

theo cách thể hiện sự nhiệt tình, tình bạn hay tình yêu

  • The play was warmly received by the critics.

    Vở kịch được giới phê bình đón nhận nồng nhiệt.

  • She greeted me very warmly.

    Cô ấy chào tôi rất nồng nhiệt.