Definition of fondly


thương yêu


The word "fondly" has its roots in the Old French word "fond," meaning "dear" or "beloved." This Old French word is derived from the Latin "funda," which means "to love" or "to cherish." The word "fondly" has been in use in the English language since the 15th century, originally meaning "in a loving or affectionate manner." Over time, the word has taken on the additional meaning of "with fondness or enthusiasm." Today, the word is often used to express a sense of warmth, appreciation, or nostalgia towards something or someone, as in "I remember my grandmother fondly."


in a way that shows love

theo cách thể hiện tình yêu

  • He looked at her fondly.

    Anh nhìn cô trìu mến.

  • I fondly remember my first job as a reporter.

    Tôi nhớ mãi công việc đầu tiên của mình với tư cách là một phóng viên.

  • She is still fondly remembered by her former students.

    Cô vẫn được các học sinh cũ nhớ đến với tình cảm trìu mến.

Related words and phrases

in a way that shows hope that is not reasonable or realistic

theo cách cho thấy hy vọng không hợp lý hoặc không thực tế

  • I fondly imagined that you cared for me.

    Tôi trìu mến tưởng tượng rằng bạn quan tâm đến tôi.