Definition of vulgarly


thô tục


The adverb "vulgarly" has its roots in Latin. The Latin word "vulgus" means "common" or "ordinary people," and "vulgarly" is derived from the Latin phrase "ad vulgus," meaning "to the common people" or "among the populace." In English, "vulgarly" was first used in the 15th century to mean "in a common or plebeian manner" or "in a rude or unrefined way." Over time, its meaning shifted to connote a sense of coarseness or lack of refinement, often used to describe something that is considered plebeian or common. Today, "vulgarly" is often used to describe behavior, speech, or conduct that is considered unrefined, coarse, or lacking in social etiquette.


in a way that does not have or show good taste; in a way that is not polite, pleasant or well behaved

theo cách không có hoặc không thể hiện sự tao nhã; theo cách không lịch sự, dễ chịu hoặc cư xử tốt

  • They vulgarly display their wealth by purchasing flashy and expensive cars.

    Họ phô trương sự giàu có của mình một cách thô tục bằng cách mua những chiếc xe hơi hào nhoáng và đắt tiền.

Related words and phrases

in a way that is rude and likely to offend

theo cách thô lỗ và có thể gây khó chịu

  • He eyed her vulgarly.

    Anh ta nhìn cô một cách thô tục.

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