Definition of tastelessly


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The word "tastelessly" has its origins in the mid-17th century. It is a variation of the word "tasteless," which means lacking in taste or flavor. The adjective is directly related to the sense of taste, implying a lack of refinement or sensibility in one's perception or appreciation of things. The term has evolved to encompass a broader meaning, encompassing not just the absence of taste but also a lack of elegance, sophistication, or cultured sensitivity. In modern usage, "tastelessly" is often used to describe actions, statements, or behaviors that are considered insensitive, crass, or lacking in refinement. Over time, the word has become a popular descriptor in everyday language, used to convey a sense of disappointment, disgust, or disapproval at something that is perceived as unrefined or uncultured.


in a way that is offensive and not appropriate

theo cách gây khó chịu và không phù hợp

in a way that shows a lack of the ability to choose things that people recognize as being attractive and of good quality

theo cách thể hiện sự thiếu khả năng lựa chọn những thứ mà mọi người cho là hấp dẫn và có chất lượng tốt

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