Definition of victoriously


một cách chiến thắng


The word "victoriously" originates from the Latin words "victoria," meaning "victory," and the suffix "-ously," which forms an adverb. The term "victoriously" has been in use since the 15th century and initially described a triumph or conquest in a physical or military sense. Over time, the meaning of "victoriously" expanded to encompass non-military victories, including personal achievements, moral triumphs, and even spiritual conquests. Today, the word is often used to describe a sense of accomplishment, pride, and pride following a challenging experience or achievement. In modern English, "victoriously" is often used in phrases such as "to emerge victoriously" or "to win victoriously," emphasizing the idea of overcoming obstacles and emerging triumphant.


in a way that shows somebody has won a victory

theo cách cho thấy ai đó đã giành được chiến thắng

  • She raised her arms victoriously.

    Cô ấy giơ hai tay lên chiến thắng.

Related words and phrases

having won something; in a way that ends in victory

đã giành được điều gì đó; theo cách kết thúc bằng chiến thắng

  • He returned victoriously from his expedition.

    Ông đã trở về trong chiến thắng sau chuyến thám hiểm.

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