Definition of vanguard


người tiên phong


The word "vanguard" derives from the Spanish phrase "vanguardia," which means "vanguard" or "advance guard" in English. The term was originally used in military strategy to describe the leading force, agency, or group that advances or paves the way for the main body of troops or army. In the 19th century, the concept of vanguard was broadened beyond the military context and applied to various domains such as politics, culture, and society. The term became popular in Marxist-Leninist ideology and was used to describe a revolutionary group or party that is spearheading the transformation of society towards a new and progressive order. The original meaning of the word underscores the ideas of leadership, innovation, and progress, as the vanguard is the one that leads and advances the cause, unlike the rear guard that retreats or defends the position. The word emphasizes the critical role of the vanguard in shaping the future, as it embarks on a path that is not yet established, but one that is necessary or desirable for the common good. In short, the word "vanguard" embodies the spirit of boldness, determination, and foresight, which inspires people to become agents of change and innovation in their respective fields or communities.


the leaders of a movement in society, for example in politics, art, industry, etc.

những người lãnh đạo một phong trào trong xã hội, ví dụ như trong chính trị, nghệ thuật, công nghiệp, v.v.

  • The party claimed to be the vanguard of the world revolutionary movement.

    Đảng tự nhận là đội tiên phong của phong trào cách mạng thế giới.

  • The company is proud to be in the vanguard of scientific progress.

    Công ty tự hào là người tiên phong trong tiến bộ khoa học.

the part of an army, etc. that is at the front when moving forward to attack the enemy

bộ phận của quân đội, v.v. ở phía trước khi tiến về phía trước để tấn công kẻ thù

  • The army was advancing steadily and the vanguard was already at the border.

    Quân đội tiến lên đều đặn và đội tiên phong đã có mặt ở biên giới.

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