Definition of unroll


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The word "unroll" originated from the prefix "un-" meaning "not" or "the opposite of" and the verb "roll." The "roll" itself comes from Old English "hrollan" meaning "to roll, turn over," which likely originated from Proto-Germanic *hrouljan. So, "unroll" literally means "to not roll" or "to reverse the rolling action." The first recorded use of "unroll" dates back to the 15th century.


if you unroll paper, cloth, etc. that was in a roll or if it unrolls, it opens and becomes flat

nếu bạn trải giấy, vải, v.v. ở dạng cuộn hoặc nếu nó mở ra, nó sẽ mở ra và trở nên phẳng

  • We unrolled our sleeping bags.

    Chúng tôi trải túi ngủ ra.

Related words and phrases

to happen one after another in a series

xảy ra cái khác trong một chuỗi

  • We watched the events unroll before the cameras.

    Chúng tôi đã xem các sự kiện diễn ra trước camera.