Definition of unrecognized


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The word "unrecognized" has its roots in the 15th century. The Latin phrase "inrecognitus" referred to something that was not recognized or acknowledged. This Latin term was derived from "in-" meaning "not" and "recognitus" meaning "recognized or acknowledged". The word "unrecognized" entered the English language in the 16th century, initially meaning "not known or acknowledged". Over time, its meaning expanded to include the idea of something not accepted or acknowledged, often in a social or societal sense. In the 19th century, the word took on a more formal connotation, particularly in the context of law and politics. For example, an "unrecognized state" referred to a nation that was not officially acknowledged by other countries or international organizations. Today, the word "unrecognized" is used in a variety of contexts to describe something that lacks official recognition or acceptance.


that people are not aware of or do not realize is important

mà mọi người không biết hoặc không nhận ra là quan trọng

  • The problem of ageism in the workplace often goes unrecognized.

    Vấn đề phân biệt tuổi tác tại nơi làm việc thường không được chú ý.

not having received the praise and notice they deserve for something that they have done or achieved

không nhận được lời khen ngợi và sự chú ý mà họ xứng đáng nhận được cho điều gì đó họ đã làm hoặc đạt được

  • He remained largely unrecognized by the scientific establishment.

    Ông vẫn chưa được giới khoa học công nhận rộng rãi.