Definition of unheard


không nghe


The word "unheard" has its roots in Old English. The adjective "un" meant "not" or "opposite of," and "hurd" meant "heard." Together, "unheard" literally meant "not heard" or "untold." In the 14th century, the phrase was used to describe something that was not heard or present. Over time, the meaning of "unheard" evolved to encompass the idea of being overlooked or ignored. In the 16th century, the term began to be used to describe information or news that was not communicated or broadcast. Today, the word "unheard" is often used to describe voices or perspectives that are not being listened to or heard. The history of the word "unheard" shows how language adapts to reflect changing social and cultural norms.


that nobody pays attention to

mà không ai chú ý đến

  • Their protests went unheard.

    Sự phản đối của họ không được lắng nghe.

not listened to or heard

không được lắng nghe hoặc nghe thấy

  • a previously unheard tape of their conversations

    một đoạn băng chưa từng nghe về cuộc trò chuyện của họ

  • She managed to get back into the room unheard.

    Cô ấy đã xoay xở để quay trở lại phòng mà không bị ai phát hiện.

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