Definition of undervalue


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The word "undervalue" has its roots in Old English. The verb "undervælan" emerged in the 10th century, meaning "to deprive of value" or "to esteem too lowly." This word was derived from the combination of "under-" (meaning "below" or "less than") and "vælan" (meaning "to value" or "to estimate"). Over time, the spelling and meaning of the word evolved. In Middle English (circa 1100-1500), the word became "undervalue," and its meaning expanded to include the sense of "to set too low a price on" or "to underestimate the worth of." Today, "undervalue" means to assign too little value or importance to something, often unintentionally.


to not recognize how good, valuable or important somebody/something really is

không nhận ra ai đó/cái gì đó thực sự tốt, có giá trị hay quan trọng như thế nào

  • Education is currently undervalued in this country.

    Giáo dục hiện đang bị coi nhẹ ở đất nước này.

to state that the financial value of something is lower than it really is

nói rằng giá trị tài chính của một cái gì đó thấp hơn giá trị thực tế

  • He believes his house has been undervalued.

    Ông tin rằng ngôi nhà của mình bị định giá thấp.